RMP: Heilbronn Map

Map RMP: Heilbronn Map 1.1.7

Main features
  • 1.52 Compatibility
  • Garage crash fixed
  • Fix delivery point heating oil Annweiler
  • other critical issues fixed
- Countless Bug- and Crashfixes
- 1.51 Compatibility
- Added RPM Compatibility Mod -> Place on Top!
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Reactions: Raffi_M and Tolaten
- Addeed DeadEnds
- Major Bugfixes

- compatibility update for ETS2 1.47


- compatibility update for ETS2 1.41
- Roadwork removed and Road with new restplaces reworked (A6 Bad Rappenau to Heilbronn)
- Bugs fixed



- compatibility update for ETS2 1.38
- Economy update by Rico1789 added
- traffic mod updated


- A6: expanded (east) -> expanded to exit of Crailsheim with new exit's, cities and industrial zones
- A81: expanded (north) -> expanded to Osterburken
- A81: Neuenstadt to Möckmühl reworked and added realistic restplaces
- A81: Untergruppenbach to Ilsfeld --> complete rebuild
- New City "Bad Rappenau" with connection Road added
- A6: Cross Weinsberg to Bretzfeld -> complete rebuild
- A6: Cross Weinsberg to HN/Zentrum / Neckarsulm reworked
- A6: Roadwork from Cross Weinsberg to Bad Rappenau is now expanded and up to date like RL. Also some parts have been reworked
- A6: Roadwork of the new Neckartal Bridge updated (Heilbronn to Neckarsulm)
- A6: Restplace Neckarsulm to Kreuz Weinsberg removed (Roadwork in RL)
- A6: Rastplatz Hohenlohe -> complete reworked (now its like rl)
- New Autobahn Sightseeing signs added (thanks to Dan89)
- Entrace/Exit of the Industrial Area in HN-Neckargartach reworked
- bugs fixed


- New Road with villages: Bretzfeld to Mainhardt
- New Road with villages: Untergruppenbach to Löwenstein
- new city signs added and replaced
- Bonfeld Industrial zone reworked
- Bonfeld, Kirchhausen a bit reworked
- B39 Fürfeld to Heilbronn Frankenbach reworked
- Conversion for ETS2 1.36
- Traffic mod (based on rudi's) reworked for the most realistic behaviour and traffic density.
- bugs fixed


- Changed textures and trees all over the map.
- added new city roads/area - Heilbronn Sontheim
- biiiig road expansion of B39 and b14 to Schwäbisch Hall. Also another road to Kupfer
- Background map in world map added (smallest zoom only)
- reported bugs fixed

- Compatibility update for 1.35
- A6 reworked from Neckarsulm to Bad Rappenau. It has now 3 lanes like in RL. It was finished in rl a few weeks ago
- Bugs fixed

- all possible roads and prefabs changed to scs's new germany roads (better looking and better traffic flow)
- Traffic mod now included (Thanks to RudiRaser)
- reworked several parts of the map
- HN Neckargartach area reworked (companies)
- parts of the Neckartalstrasse reworked
- added Heilbronn-Süd with a new road through the city to Untergruppenbach
- 4 missing restplaces added
- all restplaces reworked
- Bretzfeld reworked
- new Autobahn driveway/exit in Öhringen and Bretzfeld
- some areas of the A6 and A81 reworked and added new roadworks (like in rl)
- small changes at Kreuz Weinsberg
- added details in the industrial zone of Neuenstadt
- parts of Neuenstadt reworked
- a lot of bugs fixed
- there's more....but i don't remember ;)


- replaced almost all navigation signs to the new from scs
- new loading screen by rezafatul --> Thank you for the nice work!!
- a lot of bugs fixed
- finished industrial Area of Ilsfeld
- finished industrial Area of Lauffen a.N.
- A6: Heilbronn to Bad Rappenau : extended Roadworks
- Cross Weinsberg: Weinsberg to Neuenstadt reworked
- Roads reworked in Fürfeld - Bonfeld
- FPS optimized in the area of Möckmühl
- reworked roads in Heilbronn Zentrum
- reworked areas in HN Neckargartach
- reworked and expanded areas in HN Frankenbach
- Crossing in HN Böckingen reworked
- Crossings on the Autobahn Exit Untergruppenbach reworked
- Fixed a lot of bugs
- expanded Böckingen
- map expansion with new roads - B239
- small expansion of the B19 to Kupfer
- a lot more i dont remember ;)
- deleted traffic mod


- support for patch 1.31
- B39 expanded from Willsbach to Wüstenrot
- B27 Industriegebiet - Heilbronn expanded
- added the first part of Heilbronn -> a road through HN to Untergruppenbach will follow


- A6 Sinsheim to Bad Rappenau -> Environment reworked.
- Road from Biberach to Bonfeld reworked.
- Neckartalstrasse in some places reworked.
- changed almost every rest place
- added Roadworks / accidents
- new mobile radar positions.
- city signs added
- a lot new details added
- Companies without load fixed
- more freights available
- over 100 bugs fixed
- expanded the "Weinsberger Tal" (Willsbach) a bit
- a lot more


- A6 expanded from Neuenstein to Kupferzell
- Reworked rest place (A6 - Neckarsulm - Kreuz Weinsberg)
- added Heilbronn Böckingen with companies
- added a Road from HN Böckingen to HN- Frankenbach (B39)
- added a bridge construction site (A6 exit Heilbronn)
- a looot of bugs fixed
- and more small stuff like an accident etc.
- new mobile radar station placed and deleted ;)
- much more small changes
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Reactions: Raffi_M